Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 18: First Minor Setback

As you may have already noticed, I stopped posting what I ate each day. I think you get the idea by now, so no need to waste time posting the same basic thing over and over. Rest assured, I am still tracking this data, just not posting it.

I have also been charting my progress. Above you will notice my weight is trending downward each day since I began the Slim4Life program.

The most recent exception to this trend was today's weigh in which saw a 1/4 pound increase from Monday's. While not alarming, this is the first backwards move since beginning the weight loss phase.

The most likely reason for this is an increase in my salt intake that occurred on Monday due to having to eat a piece of grilled chicken from Arby's as opposed to preparing my own. I have been informed that drinking an extra 8oz glass of water can help reduce the affect of too much salt. I will keep that in mind for a future mistake.

I have also begun walking 20 minutes a day in hopes of increasing my weight loss. It's not much, but if I exceed 6 hours of exercises in a week it will have an impact on my calorie intake and a change in diet would need to occur. So at this point, I am trying to avoid that.


  1. Try Penzey spices - they have retail shops and also online shopping. They have spice mixes that are salt free and sugar free and they make poultry/beef/fish taste great. I have been using their seasonings for a year now and just started with the salt free mixes and they are just as yummy. Example: Tuscan sunset has Basil, oregano, red bell pepper, garlic thyme, fennel, black pepper and anise. Very flavorful. Just a thought if you wanted to try them. They are worth a try.

  2. hi, I just started slim4 life, and i came across your blog - very helpful, I must say! I have a question...I went to dietsirect website, and i wasnt sure which product was comparable to the boost?
