Monday, April 21, 2008

About This Blog

First, let me start by saying I am not, nor is this blog in anyway affiliated with Slim4Life.

If you are reading this, you have most likely heard your favorite local radio personality singing the praises of Slim4Life Weight Loss Centers and are as curious as I was to find out if the program really works and if they can live up to the claims they make. The purpose of this blog is to find just that out by chronicling my experience on the Slim4Life program.

I sincerely hope you find this information helpful.


Ham Hocks said...
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The Weaver Family said...

I just got on the Slim4Life program and found your blog when googling what in the WORLD I can do for variety in the Prep phase. I'm dying to know why the posts stopped and if it was successful for you - or did I just throw money away??

Amos said...

I have a friend who was on the SFL program for several months. He really lost alot of weight and it did cost him alot of money. In the end he lost close to 75 pounds and then gained it back again. He joined weight watchers this year. He said Weight Watchers helps you understand food and how much you should be eating. Not sure if this answers your question or not

Unknown said...

I was looking for the products on mydietshopz. Could you please tell me what items are equivalents to the slim4life products. And thank you so much for your blog- so helpful!

American Christianity In The Early American Republic said...

I am looking for the equivalent essential Slim4life products on mydietshopz. Could someone please help me and tell me the name of the products that would equal Slim4life products from mydietshopz? This blog is so great!